
Conditional formatting of table rows

Student's Name Grade
Brown, Emma 4.0
Johnson, Olivia 2.6
Smith, Liam 4.5
Williams, Isabella 5.5

How can you apply conditional formatting to table rows?

You can apply conditional formatting to table rows using jQuery by targeting specific cells based on their content.


<div class="demo-container">
<table class="demo-table" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
  <th>Student's Name</th>
  <td>Brown, Emma</td>
  <td>Johnson, Olivia</td>
  <td>Smith, Liam</td>
 <td>Williams, Isabella</td>


.demo-container table {
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 1px;

.demo-container .demo-table td {
  padding: 4px 8px;

.demo-container .demo-table th {
  padding: 2px 4px;
  background-color: #454545;
  color: #fff;
  text-align: left;

.demo-container {
  margin-bottom: 2em;

.demo-container th,
.demo-container td {
  color: #fff;
  padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
  text-align: left;

.demo-container th {
  background: #3d4c53;

.demo-container tr:first-child th:first-child {
  border-top-left-radius: 6px;

.demo-container tr:first-child th:last-child {
  border-top-right-radius: 6px;

.demo-container tr:last-child td:first-child {
  border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;

.demo-container tr:last-child td:last-child {
  border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;


$(function() {
$('.demo-table td').each(function() {
  if ($(this).text() >= 5.5) // if grade is 5.5 or higher
   $(this).parent().css('backgroundColor', '#ecc87a');
   $(this).parent().css('backgroundColor', '#dcccaa');